
Node.js packaged modules based on a highly optimized exceptionally responsive asynchronous socket architecture. Perfectly suited for real-time applications, the components provide blazing performance while consuming minimal system resources.


Platform Features

  • Node.js packaged modules.
  • Support for all major Node.js versions.
  • Supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Comprehensive product documentation with extensive sample applications.
  • Based on a highly-efficient asynchronous event-driven architecture that seamlessly extends Node.js applications with advanced connectivity.
  • Obfuscated source code available with the Red Carpet Subscription.

Available Products

/n software 3-D Secure Server V2 Edition

A development library that allows easy integration of any EMV® 3-D Secure program, including Visa Secure, American Express SafeKey, Discover ProtectBuy, MasterCard Identity Check, and J/Secure. Add EMV 3DS capabilities into online shopping carts, websites, and merchant systems.