Latest News

Stay informed about our newest developments, awards, and releases.

NEW: IPWorks Bluetooth V9 [BETA]

The IP*Work! Bluetooth components provide straightforward access to bluetooth device and service discovery, as well as standard client/server interfaces for RFCOMM and L2CAP (coming soon) sockets.

Visual Studio 2013 Support added across .NET Editions!

Updates for all .NET, Windows Phone, and WinRT Editions are now available with support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.

NEW: E-Payment Integrator V6 with Retail, Level II, & III Support!

Enhanced with retail processing for card present transactions, Level 2 and Level 3 components, integration with new major gateways, and dozens of individual gateway enhancements.

NEW: IPWorks PG V9 Beta - OpenPGP Encryption/Decryption

Add OpenPGP encryption, decryption, signing, and signature verification to any application. IPWorks PG includes easy-to-use components for secure OpenPGP encryption with full support for key generation and management.

NEW: Shipping Integrator V5 Now Available!

Powerful new updates including Electronic Trade Documents (ETD) support, UPS SurePost, Canada Post shipping integration, and across the board updates to the latest shipping integration services.

NEW: Google Integrator V2 Released!

Updates include new Google Drive integration, OAuth authentication, Gmail updates with IMAP connectivity, generic Google Apps integration support for extensibility, and more!

/n software Selected for 2013 SD Times 100 Award

/n software recognized as a top industry leader and innovator in APIs, Libraries & Frameworks for the tenth consecutive year!

NEW: ERP Integrator V2 for SAP!

The latest release includes powerful new SAP integration capabilities, including new components for SAP IDoc manipulation, ABAP code execution, and SAP table management, as well as new SAP connectivity support.

NEW: WinRT Editions Released!

All IPWorks V9 and E-Business Integrator products built on the IPWorks V9 core are now available for Windows Runtime. Integrate connectivity into applications across versions of Windows 8, including Microsoft Surface with WinRT.

NEW: Shipping Integrator V3 Released!

Combines the powerful shipping, tracking, and rate calculation capabilities of the FedEx, UPS, and USPS Integrators into a single comprehensive shipping integration component suite